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About Us

Transforming our community, one person at a time.

Mirrors is a ground-breaking programme whose aim is to transform the lives of participants through personal development training and performance coaching.

In 2016, we strategically introduced Quantum Learning (QL) SuperCamp methodology to our programme.  Programming maintains the same focus on socio-emotional skills-development and personal transformation, with a new emphasis on innovative learning strategies and leadership skills. The introduction of this curriculum allows the organization to provide transformative personal development while also offering more specific support in participants’ academic success with modules in speed reading, mind-mapping, note taking, and memorization strategies.

The overall focus is to empower students to achieve their full potential in school and life.


To empower young people to reach their potential through personal transformation that promotes healthy relationships.

Driven by Our Core Values.

We are guided by these core values that shape all that we do.  They are the driving force behind our continued success.

Commitment, Responsibility, Integrity, Self Expression and Possibility

Commitment – We are committed to delivering services with excellence and are responsive to the needs of youth and community

Responsibility – We are responsible for our development and wellbeing to sustainably meet the needs of Bermuda’s youth and their development

Integrity – Our actions are aligned with the principles, standards and values of our organization

Self-Expression – We have a voice and use it to communicate directly, clearly, honestly, and with a positive purpose

Possibility – We are willing to explore and create to achieve new results

The 8 Keys of Excellence principles to live by are the foundation on which SuperCamp is built. The students are surrounded by reminders of the 8 Keys every day. They’re posted on walls, modeled by staff, and woven into each day’s activities. They create a feeling of community and trust, and a sense of belonging in an open, friendly environment.

The benefits of a SuperCamp program – with the 8 Keys of Excellence at the core—have been noted worldwide. Studies show SuperCamp graduates significantly increase self confidence and motivation, improve their grades, participate more in school, and feel measurably better about themselves.

If the 8 Keys of Excellence was in every school in America and being taught in the homes it would literally transform the country.—Jack Canfield, Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul Series


We transform students into self-motivated learners. You could say we put a fire in their belly.

Unlike schools and academic summer camps that teach content, SuperCamp gives students the learning tools and life skills that apply to every subject and to the world beyond school.

Understanding how the mind approaches learning can have a significant effect on a student’s performance in school. Students learn, comprehend, and recall information more easily, which can lead to better grades and ultimately to a higher GPA. Studying becomes a much easier task once a student identifies their personal learning style and incorporates techniques unique to that style.


SuperCamp’s academic curriculum provides students from middle school to college with valuable age/grade-specific learning skills that benefit them in all subject areas. We focus on the whole individual. Many learning models concentrate on instructional design, often neglecting factors that influence the quality of learning.


Alignment through clearly defined expectations, values and goals.


A place where students feel supported and experiencing a strong sense of belonging.


One that uses a multisensory approach and maximizes participation and comprehension.


A learning space that is inviting, comfortable, and stimulating for everyone.


Where lessons are created using elements that incorporate how the brain learns and retains content.


We need to prepare kids today for the jobs of tomorrow that haven’t even been created yet! We’re up for the challenge! We equip students with the skill sets to be successful in school, work and life. SuperCamp provides real-life team-building opportunities to not only learn these skills, but also to apply them with.


Establishing a code for personal excellence.


Exploring 21st century career skills.


Building communication and relationship strategies.


Moving out of natural comfort zones.


Understanding the character traits of a good leader.


Gaining clarity on steps to reaching goals.



The Mirrors programme was established through the efforts of former Premier Dr. Ewart Brown, Mr. Kenneth Bascome, Nibs Lewis and Rudolph Lawrence. These men mobilized and engaged the community and key stakeholders for approximately 11 years to implement a programme to address the challenges facing our youth. With the help of Dr. Brown, Ms. Luelle Todd and Mr. Dale Butler the programme was launched in April 2007.

Mirrors is a personal development organization.  Programming is focused on socio emotional skills-development, performance coaching and personal transformation with an emphasis on innovative learning strategies and leadership skills.  Our programmes are based on creating a deep and lasting transformation in the lives participants so they can reach their fullest potential.

Mirrors provides several benefits to participants and to the community as a whole.

  • Raised self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth
  • Improved relationships between youth and adults (including parents, service providers, authority figures, community leaders, and the general public).
  • Improved goal setting skills
  • Increased life skills, leadership skills and protective factors.
  • Decreased risk factors.



95 % of youth that completed our training say the programme had a beneficial impact on them;

97% of adults (parents, teachers, professionals and volunteers) that completed our training say they are satisfied with the training content and experience.


Kimberley Jackson

Programme Manager

Programmes Manager (Vacant)

Programmes Manager (Vacant)

Recruitment Manager (Vacant)

Recruitment Manager

Joanne Woods

Life Coach Manager

Office Manager (Vacant)

Office Manager

Jenay Edness

Administrative Assistant/Accounts

Nelson Bascome

Junior Administrator/Reception
0 Adults Served

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